sit, stay…heal

Sit. Meditate. Be present. Reflect. Whatever you call it. It’s vital. Taking time to be still, to be quiet, to be in the moment…it’s life changing.

We’re inundated with stimuli all day. For many, our “down” time, and even our sleep, has an inordinate level of noise, of disruption. Many of us are never really relaxed or renewed.

A meditation practice can be many things, can mean many things. At Change Space, we’re hoping you’ll begin trying the most simple and restorative form of meditation, a quiet, mindful sit.

Yes, yes, that can sound anything but simple for a lot of people. You want a voice to guide you. Soothing spa-like music. But what you’re seeking is just more stimuli. There’s nothing wrong with those meditative forms. However, practicing to sit…quietly, in stillness, whether alone or with others, is so powerful. And healing. And renewing. And just awesome.

Join us, too, for one of our scheduled community meditation sits or events.


about our space,
your space

There are 12 seats in the mediation room currently. Ten are traditional meditation zafus and zabutons (small, round cushions with larger, pillow “platforms" underneath) and two are classic, wood chairs.

Two of our zafus are higher in height to accommodate taller people, those with tight hips, or those who prefer to use a kneeling posture.

Shoes are not permitted in the room so please take a moment before you enter the space to remove your shoes and leave them on floor outside the door.

No cell phones, food, or drink are allowed in the space without permission.

If you would like a light-based timer, please just ask. They can help mark the duration of your sit if you prefer. Ours keep 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, or 30 minutes.

You may store your belongings with us; however, we do not assume responsibility for your valuables.

The mediation room is quiet and calm. It is NOT a deprivation room. You will hear some murmurs from the store environment and a possible passing train. It is, however, an incredibly relaxing and powerful space and we can’t wait for you to experience it for yourself!

meditation at Change Space is always free of charge

Some special events may be fee based; however, daily, there is no store purchase necessary.

You simply come in, let us know you’re here for meditation, head back to the room, remove your shoes, enjoy your sit, and then go forth and make it a great day…or evening!

We do hope, though, that you’ll consider frequenting our store for your gift buying and for your own wellness exploration to help support the existence of this beautiful community space and vital service offerings we work hard to maintain and provide.

If you’d like us to fix you a cup after your meditation, please ask. Then make yourself comfortable in one of our cozy seats in the shop or on our boardwalk outside (weather permitting) and bask in your post-meditation joy.

Donations for meditation are accepted. Please ask for an envelope if you’re inclined to support our efforts in this way.

your daily sit is waiting